Sangria (Non-Alcoholic)

Alcohol Free Sangria | The Mother Cooker

Sangria is a delicious drink associated with warm evenings. Sipping it whilst the sun goes down, the warmth highlighting your face. It is usually made with red wine and fruit. But I have turned it into a non-alcoholic version. Having not drank for nearly 9 years now, turning popular drinks non-alcoholic is a challenge I adore. This drink was inspired by something I had at a restaurant with my husband. It was so delicious I took note of the vague ingredients, vowing to make my own when the time was right. With this un-seasonally warm April and all of us spending time at home. I felt the perfect time was now, especially as it's strawberry season.

A mixture of fruit juices, mixed with chopped fruit, lashings of ice and mint. It couldn't be simpler to make and is something you could add alcohol to if you wished. It is really refreshing and great for the summer, pop a big jug on the table for your BBQ. You could also pour the mixture into ice lolly moulds for the kids. Each lick revealing yummy fruit.

Alcohol Free Sangria

Serves: 4-6Prep time: 10 minsTotal time: 10 mins

  • 400ml grape juice
  • 200ml apple juice
  • 400ml pomegranate juice
  • Juice from 1 lime
  • 1 large orange, chopped into slices and halved
  • 5 strawberries, chopped into chunks
  • 1 apple, chopped into slices and halved
  • Fresh mint
  • Ice
  1. Chop all the fruit and add to a jug with lots of ice.
  2. Squeeze in the lime juice and then top up with all the other juices.
  3. Mix together well and top with fresh mint.

Alcohol Free Sangria | The Mother Cooker